

Tel & Fax
  • Podere S. Giuseppe 38
    53024 Montalcino – Siena

Write to us

we will be glad to answer your questions.

    How to reach us

    The directions provided by Google Maps are not detailed. Once you have reached Montalcino, please follow our guide listed here.

    On arrival in Montalcino there is a roundabout with a mosaic below the medieval Fortress. Take the exit marked with a blue sign for Castelnuovo dell'Abate. Proceda lungo la strada (SP55) per 9,3 km.

    Do not enter the village of Castelnuovo dell’Abate. Stay on the road (SP55), leaving Osteria Bassomondo on your left, and following blue signs for Seggiano e Castiglion D'Orcia.

    After 1.8 km, on the right there is a brown sign for San Giuseppe.

    Take the unpaved road and follow until you reach our gate. If closed, please press the button marked Ufficio.

    After circa 2 km, the road forks. Bear right and drive around the cellar and olive groves to park in front of the office.

    We will be there waiting for you!